Scientifically known as Lepidium Meyenni, the Maca Root is a cruciferous vegetable, similar to cauliflower, cabbage,  and broccoli. Its origin is from the Peruvian Andes Mountains’ high plateaus, also called Peruvian Ginseng. Maca has been cultivated for more than 200 years by the Andean People. It is an edible plant that easily survives and sustains harsh weather conditions above 4000 meters (13,123 feet) in the Peruvian Andes. In traditional times, maca root was consumed as a food in porridge, by preparing a drink of fermented maca. 

Official statistics say that there is a noticeable hike in the demand for maca products. And, the reason behind the rise is the nutrient ability of Maca, which improves libido and fertility. Maca also has medicinal properties and is used as a natural medicine, which helps to treat respiratory conditions and rheumatic disease. Maca root also consists of bioactive compounds such as macaridine, macamides, alkaloids, and glucosinates. It is rich in amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and fibers. Mass production of Yaca has started in other parts of the world, including Yu nance province in China. 

There have been numerous assumptions about the benefits of the Maca root. Despite the claims made by many about the properties of Maca, research is still limited, and studies about Maca’s benefits have a mixed message. Maca root has an interesting look, which combines the aspects of potato and radish. The taste and structure of Maca root can be defined as a nutty structure with a tint of butterscotch. It belongs to the rich and nutritious Mustard family. Maca root seems to have a number of nicknames such as Maino, Maca-maca, Ayak willku, Ayak chichira, along with its popularity among native people. 

The Peruvians took Maca in the form of dry maca, which is boiled in water, and then drank it. So, with a lesser number of evidence, but strong in people’s faith, has brought innumerable practical examples, where Maca Root helped them.

Let’s go through a few of Maca’s properties and positives. 

Maca root increase Libido. 

The most known and common benefits of Maca have increased libido and improved sexual energy. A study from 2015 explains women who were suffering from antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. 3000 grams of maca root were given to those women for 12 weeks, which essentially improved sexual function and libido compared with a placebo. A study from 2002 concluded that men who had an intake of 3 grams of maca root had increased libido. Maca is said to improve Sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. 

Improving energy 

Maca root has been extremely great in energizing and improving performance. Sports and fitness people mostly use Maca to maintain their performance and physique. Maca root is a good supplement to increase energy levels, especially for Athletes and Bodybuilders. Scientific evidence has spoken about how maca roots can give energy shots. It might be a new Energy Potion, we all are waiting for! 

Improves Fertility in Men 

Taking maca root regularly has improved the sexual aspects of fertility in men. It helps men with sperm health and count. Maca intake has shown results in boosting sperm concentration. However, the conclusions have not been different from people who have been taking a placebo. 

The impact on mobility of sperm wasn’t very impactful. However, research is still on, and still, a lot has to be discovered. 

Impacts on Blood Pressure

There have been slight hints, that taking maca root can improve your blood pressure levels. A study from 2015 says that a daily intake of 3.3 grams of maca for 12 weeks, can regulate blood pressure levels. 

Healing Sun damage

A study from an Animal Model, says that maca roots might help the skin from UV rays coming from the sun. Maca roots can protect us from sun damage. Another study from the year 2011, says maca roots prevent the development of sunburn cells. 

Helps in Menopause 

Menopause occurs naturally in people who menstruate. Menopause marks the end of the menstruation cycle. It is the time when menstrual flow is over permanently. As, menstruation involves heavy hormonal changes and the participation of vital reproductive organs, menopause comes with various body-changing symptoms. 

There is a reduction of estrogen during menopause which gives rise to multiple symptoms, which can cause discomfort and irritation to the person, such as dryness of the vagina, mood swings, disturbances in the sleep cycle, hot flashes, and irritation. Research says that Maca might help abate some of the symptoms of Menopause in people. 

A study from 2011 released 4 studies, that were confident about maca treatment giving desired outcomes during Menopause. Although there is a question on the safety and effectiveness of maca treatment during Menopause. Studies and research are still going on Maca and its impact. 

Maca roots help fight free radicals. 

Maca root is said to have natural anti-oxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione. Free radicals destroy and damage the cells in the body. Anti-oxidants are the ones that fight free radicals and prevent the body cells from damage. There is a belief, that anti-oxidants are helpful in preventing heart diseases and cancer as well. 

Improved learning and memory capacity. 

Evidence from a 2011 study, says that maca roots have proved fruitful in upgrading one’s learning and memory skills. The hint of enhancing memory power has resulted in research made on treating Alzheimer’s. Memory performance is the direct link in the disease of severe Alzheimers, which can be improved with the help of Maca treatment. 

Maca roots can polish up your Mood. 

There has been very limited evidence about Maca root building up the mood, but they do lie on the positive side. Maca root is an adaptogenic plant, which means that intaking Maca roots might yield adaptive properties in your body such as stress or anxiety. It is said to show impressive results in depression patients.

A study from 2016, says that intake of 3 grams of red maca or black root has given results in improving mood and energy levels in people. Maca is packed with so many nutrients, such as iron and iodine, which promotes the building of body cells, and a healthy organ system. 

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