‘Keto’- we all have heard this word and to be honest it feels so healthy because everyone around is talking about the same. But have you ever wondered what exactly the keto diet is? It is not that difficult, this diet emphasizes high fat but low carbs. It is termed to be a booster in weight loss. 

But does it work that easily or do we get to face some consequences for following such a diet pattern in our lifestyle? Who knows? So, let us find out about the keto diet and its side effects in this blog.

How does Keto Diet work on body fat?

So, the basic idea of the keto diet is to consume fat-rich food that keeps the body full and one may feel very less hungry. This diet focuses on having no carbohydrates, which means no energy for the body. But to function well our body needs some kind of fuel.

That required fuel is gained by forcing the body to burn fat for its energy requirements; hence the result is fast weight loss. By stopping carbs intake one can stop the easiest energy source and that is glucose.

So when the body is deprived of glucose, it melts down the fat and uses ketones for energy which are the by-products of our metabolism, and that’s how the whole cycle of the keto diet works.

But what are the backlashes a body faces due to this is its side effect? To know that let us continue.

Side Effects of Following the Keto Diet

Keto flu

One of the major and most common side effects among people following the keto diet is keto flu. This is a defense reaction of the human body when being low on carbs. There are a few symptoms of keto flu.

  • Felling hard to sleep or Insomnia
  • Nauseous feelings and Vomiting
  • Fatigue, even during smaller physical works
  • Dizziness and Headaches
  • Constipation or Irritation

If a person feels any of such symptoms after switching to the keto diet, then they may be suffering from keto flu.

Cure: These symptoms can last for a few weeks or days; in this situation a good amount of fluid intake and oral electrolytes may help. But, if the situation last longer and a person feels uneasy, then they must consult their respective doctors.

Frequent Urination

As the body starts to use all the stored glucose in priority, it creates a lot of water loss in the body in terms of frequent urination. Insulin levels in the body drop and thus cause the body to burn more glycogen in the liver and muscles.

Through this process, a lot more water waste gets accumulated in the kidney and then it starts to dump that out of the body in the form of urine. This can cause dehydration in the body or even irritation in the urinal tract.

Cure: Try to intake more natural fruit juice which contains less amount of sodium in it. Sodium causes water retention and pressurizes the body’s functions. Thus, consuming fruit juice makes the body part relax and fulfill the required nutrients.

Risk of Heart Diseases

Due to its being a low-carb diet, there are higher chances of leveling up low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This type of cholesterol creates a risk of heart failure. Over time it can also generate issues related to the arteries.

If a person already suffers from some kind of heart risk then they are recommended not to follow any specific diet without prior examination, because a sudden change in the nutritional intake can be harmful to their health.

Cure: Cholesterol and its adversity levels can be kept on track through regular interval blood checkups. Overall, try to maintain a balance of ions in the dietary supplements.

Risk of type 2 Diabetes

People who started following the keto diet were more susceptible to generating a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. The Keto diet is fat and protein-centric and that can affect insulin levels in the body.

As the imbalance of insulin occurs it can create many other issues to health like weight gain again, fatigue to muscles, and lethargy in the body.

Cure: Before getting to this diet, try to understand if your sugar level fluctuates. In case of any such side effects, consider once before being reliable on such diets.

Decrease metabolic processes

Our body fat is saved in the muscles and it eventually affects metabolic activities. When carbs intake gets reduced due to the keto diet, it will break down the saved energy in the muscles and thus slow down the metabolic functions.

At the start, a kick of weight loss will be there, but after time people tend to develop no progress, and with this either the weight remains constant or gets increased. This situation tends to increase after returning to the original diet.

Cure: Keep track of the intake of calories and if you feel any kind of muscle decrease or soreness then keep mineral intakes continue.

Generates Brain Fog

It is generally a side effect of high-level inflammation in the hormones that directly affect your mood. There are certain characteristics of the brain and a person opting keto diet can feel them in the early days of following the diet. They are:

  • Confusion
  • Forgetfulness
  • Not having mental clarity
  • Lack of focus

This generates an imbalance in the system and makes it very less productive for other workers. It mainly drains the energy and focus of a person. It can lead to stress and affects the reproductive ability of a person.

Cure: Follow a sleeping pattern thoroughly. Try to do regular exercise for 10 min. Avoid any kind of alcohol during a keto diet. Cut off on the amount of alcohol that you usually consume.

And for stress-like conditions, positive thinking can help to a great extent.


In this article, we get a clear idea that before following any kind of diet one must be aware of their body’s responses and may not force things to happen. The Keto diet is a very popular way of weight loss in this scenario, but it can also bring you many side effects that are harmful to your daily life and in the future too.

The Keto diet can be a better option for people who are more focused on desk jobs rather than on draining physical activities. Because it can cause a hard time on your muscles. Overall, a great balance in lifestyle and diet is better to choose an option rather than going by the trend. For all the people who want to understand the side effects of the keto diet, this blog gets you covered.

Parul Agrawal is a creative freelance content writer. She has worked for many clients nationally and internationally. Being an agriculture graduate, the idea of being a writer was always in her mind. She evolves in her writing style as per the changing world and always keeps the essence of topics.