Apple Cider Vinegar is a very well-known supplement for your body. It is being used in many households for cooking and detox purposes. It is termed to have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties with multiple digestive benefits.

Many studies are conducted to understand the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar and some modest benefits results show that it is somewhat helpful in controlling blood sugar levels.

One can consume a 1 to 2 tbsp diluted amount of apple cider vinegar on daily basis, but it is always a plus point to consider your doctor before intaking it in any form.

Properties of Apple Cider Vinegar:

There are multiple properties of apple cider vinegar, but some of the properties are the most beneficial for a large mass of people.

It is beneficial for people with higher blood pressure.

ACV helps many people by comforting them from heartburn and acid reflux.

This can be used in wounds as it is antibacterial.

Helps in getting rid of product buildup and dandruff on the scalp.

These are some common properties for which people consider using the ACV, but beyond that, there are multiple health benefits it gives, and, we will come across this article.

Apple Cider Vinegar- Top 8 Benefits:

Helps in Weight Loss:

There are many studies around it and some of these studies suggest that people who consume ACV daily with their diets tend to have a fast metabolic system which helps in burning out the accumulated fat molecules.

Another study shows that people who intake ACV in a daily routine can control their appetite and consume fewer calories than others.

We have heard multiple times that actors take ACV with water every day as their first drink and have seen reliable results from this.

Natural Hair and Skin Care:

Everyone needs smooth and shiny hair and for that, they consider using ACV rinse for their hair. Some of the reviews show that alkaline hair products create frizz and eventually damage the hair.

But, ACV is acidic in nature, thus improving hair health and helping the hair strands to be conditioned. Due to the same properties, people sometimes use it as a toner and over their acne scars.

There are multiple hair and skin products in the market which include ACV as the base ingredient.

Effective for Cholesterol:

The risk of heart attack and stroke is very common in the current lifestyle and especially among youngsters. These risk increases with the increase in cholesterol and triglycerides. Some studies indicate that by taking ACV overall calorie intake gets reduced.

With fewer calories, the intake of cholesterol-generating food reduces and it helps in building better heart health.

Apple Cider Vinegar contains high-density lipoprotein, which is good cholesterol as per the doctor’s suggestion. This component protects and lowers the risk of heart disease by replacing the bad cholesterol in the body.

Lowering the Sugar Level in the Blood:

The sugar level in the blood can create many difficulties for various body organs including the eyes, kidneys, and skin. People who are diagnosed with any form of diabetes have to keep track of their sugar levels on a daily basis.

Here, ACV can be considered an alternative. As per various studies, it helps in controlling the raise of blood sugar. The acetic acid in the ACV impairs glucose tolerance in the blood.

Some analysis shows that ACV helps in reducing the high insulin content on a small basis if consumed regularly. For better results, people are advised to consume ACV either with the meal or by diluting it in the water.

Effective against Infections:

Due to its anti-bacterial properties, ACV is very effective against any digestive infection. In multiple studies, it has been considered effective against E. coli and other deadly infectious viruses.

Besides its popularity as a detox drink, it is also useful in gut cleaning and flushes out the bad bacteria from the digestive tract and shows possible results.

It has been proven effective against staph infection as it controls the growth of staphylococcus bacteria in the system. For mouth and ulcer infections gargling with its diluted solution is preferable.

Recover Cell Damage:

We are aware of the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, and other foods rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants are polyphenols and other such chemicals which help in repairing cells and protecting them.

If any foreign bacteria or viruses interact with our body cells, then the cells get saved through the antioxidants. ACV contains a diluted amount of polyphenols which can safeguard the blood cells.

Many diseases like cancer and other tumors arise by infecting the cells first and in a precautionary manner. Apple cider vinegar can be used.

Appetite Cleansing:

Many people knowingly and unknowingly overeat out of stress or for any other reason. They have a constant need to have something as they feel hungry. But this disturbs their appetite a lot.

Many issues arrises with that and this can be gaining weight or having severe health problems. A lot of junk food gets into the system when your appetite is not cleaned well.

In this ACV helps in by making the food more filling for the body. When you consume apple cider with the meal, it helps in the proper breakthrough of those complex grains and makes you feel full for a long time. It keeps the body signaling to the brain that the stomach is full of a less quantity of food.

Natural Effective Mouth Wash:

Multiple brands are in the market of oral hygiene. But most of these brands use fluoride as a base material, which is good for the teeth but not so good for the gums. Many people are allergic to fluoride.

So diluting ACV can be considered an effective mouthwash. Its antibacterial properties can help in keeping those germs out.

But as it is acidic in nature, you should always use it by diluting well in the water before using it as a mouthwash.


Apple Cider Vinegar is a basic remedy in most day-to-day use. It is an easy and considerate way to use for either weight, skin, or detoxing. It is a safe option when consumed in moderation as per a person’s needs. The components in ACV decrease potassium.

Thus, before starting any intake, consult with the doctor because it may react with the medication you are on. Otherwise, Apple Cider Vinegar is a safe option to go when consumed in a diluted format of 1 glass of water and 1 tbsp ACV, for any benefits that are mentioned above.

Parul Agrawal is a creative freelance content writer. She has worked for many clients nationally and internationally. Being an agriculture graduate, the idea of being a writer was always in her mind. She evolves in her writing style as per the changing world and always keeps the essence of topics.