“Not only a man without hand is handicapped but also a man without health.”

One of the most recent trends in the current times is munching on Healthy Snacks. Today, people have become very conscious of what substances they are putting inside their bodies. The cause behind the shift of mentality can be increased health risks in current times, the impact of new diseases(such as pandemics), self-care and fitness, etc. 

Healthy Snacks - Fittobeat

And, now if we look at multiple factors, having healthy snacks by your side, whether you are a working person, student, home-based, or a sportsman, will always prove fruitful and hearty to your body. Most of the brands have already started releasing their products with an active and robust composition, to boost their health, rather than making them obese. 

What should a healthy snack include? What is the perfect taste you wish for in your middle snacks? Having snacks is usually done to energise ourselves, boost ourselves, and improve major deficiencies in our bodies. Different people want a different sets of snacks, depending on their tastes, situations and needs. Being Healthy is more of a mindset, not a habit. Well, this shift of paradigm should not be ignored, and better support should be provided for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. 

Below is a list of snacks, that can prove to be a healthy and sound substance that wouldn’t just keep you in shape, but also increase your efficiency and firmness in terms of your performance or job. Although researchers have suggested, that food intake is only a part of the healthy process. Adding some kind of sports, and exercises can manifest first-rate results. 

It’s never too late to start inventing your healthy snack ideas and choose a lifestyle according to your taste and health needs. 

“Instead of complaining about problems in your stomach, mind what goes into your stomach to cause the problems in your stomach.”


Dry fruits are the primary source of good proteins and fibres. Having walnuts, almonds, figs, dates, cashews and raisins in your mid-afternoon or evening times, can fill your stomach and flourish you with good proteins, vitamins, and fibres. 

Dry Fruits - Fittobeat

One must always keep in their mind that natural products and fruits are always a wiser option than processed or cooked snacks.  

  • OATS 

Oats can serve you as one of the best healthiest breakfasts as well as mid-snack. Combining oats with milk, honey or jaggery can keep your calcium, fibre and proteins on an appropriate level. 

People who avoid sweets, or are diabetic, need not worry about it. Prepare Masala Oats, with the help of some freshly cut tomatoes, and onions, and saute it with salt, oats, and a spoonful of Desi Ghee. Have it in your breakfast, or store it for later. 

  • Sunflower seeds

Seeds are majorly a culminating source of good proteins, fibres, and fats. They can be consumed in several ways, depending on your choice such as raw, soaked, salted etc. 

  • Pumpkin Seeds

A complete package of prime fibres and proteins can be seen in Pumpkin Seeds. Having a packet of salted and roasted pumpkin seeds will improve your efficiency and digestion. 

  • Popcorns

Puffed-up corns are the most sold and bought a snack at major places. Well, why shouldn’t they be? Made up of plain butter and corn preheated together, gives them a carb-free composition, and a very light and delicious texture. No wonder, why they are the most partners for movies. 

  • Peanuts

Groundnuts are a major source of good proteins and fats. Having them on your desk, either roasted or salted, can help your hunger and fill your stomach immediately. 

  • Dark Chocolates

I can see why a lot of people choose this, as their desk partner. Yes, if you are Chocoholic, dark chocolates can be a partner in your healthy snacks list. It can fill up your stomach and give you no space for being hungry. Choosing dark chocolate makes it sugar-free, and gives you a snack with no unhealthy carbs and processed elements. 

  • Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a very fundamental and popular snack chosen by most sports people, as well as people who like the taste of it. Having it by your desk can help you pair it with multiple partners, and enjoy a variety of snacks at different times. You can pair it with a multi-grain loaf of bread, as well as cookies. 

  • Fresh Fruits

Fruits should be your number one priority if you are a person who always seeks snacks. Being rich in minerals, vitamins, fibres, proteins and water quantity, fruits will keep you hydrated, full and fresh. Some of your desk partners can be Apples, Pears, Bananas(not for a diabetic), Avocados, Oranges, Kiwi, Chiku etc. 

  • Cucumbers and Celery

How can we miss some of the most fibrous, and watery summer veggies as our mid-time snacks? Couple some freshly chopped cucumbers with salt and pepper along with 

Buttermilk or pair them with roasted loaves of bread along with cheese. Isn’t this going to be the best combo ever? 

  • Yoghurt

A flavoured and fruity yoghurt can make you fresh and splash with calcium and proteins, along with essential vitamins. Add them to the list, and also see your skin glow!

  • Roasted Chickpeas

You can easily find a packet of roasted chickpeas, and accommodate them in your snack basket. They are great at room temperature, hence giving you an easy and comfortable mid-time snack. One can look for a variety of recipes, and build your protein-rich favourite healthy snack!

  • Makhana (Fox nuts or Lotus seeds)

One of the most popular Indian breakfasts and healthy snack ideas come from Makhana. You can roast them in a spoon of desi ghee, with a pinch of salt, and serve them warm and crunchy; or you can roast and grind them, and mix it well with a bowl of milk and sweetener. The kheer can be a healthy source of proteins, calcium, and essential fats. 

  • Cereals

No matter what, cereals can be a quick and easy option. But they aren’t just easy, they are healthy too. With a very minimal percentage of fats and carbs, they fill the stomach instantly and are a savage source of fibres and proteins. 

  • Tapioca Chips

Popular in the state of Kerala and Sri Lanka, one can choose Tapioca chips over potato chips as a healthy choice. Low in carbs, and rich in calcium and fibres, they can be a healthy snack idea. 

Daughter. Feminist. Humanist. I believe in self-expression and freedom of choice; our gender doesn't limit our capabilities. helping Fittobeat as a content consultant.