So you have finally ticked off one of your wishlists for a lifetime. Ain’t it? You finally did get a tattoo aftercare! Congratulations on that!

Well, tattoos do hold a really special part in almost everybody’s life. No matter where you are from or to what age group you belong, having your first tattoo is always a thing to be excited about. People usually are very peculiar about their tattoo design, and why shouldn’t they be? It’s something that will go to your graveyard with you, something that will reflect who you really are as a person, and you should definitely think about it. Whether you want to dedicate it to someone special or something that keeps you going, or anything for fun. It’s your body, your tattoo, that makes it most definitely your call to have whatever design you want. 

tattoo aftercare

Getting anything done, and maintaining that accomplishment are two very different things. Maintenance of anything requires a lot of effort and care, and tattoos aftercare in particular is very demanding as well. But if you follow a few simple routines, it won’t be that much of a deal. Don’t let it overwhelm you. If it’s your first tattoo, you are meant to actually carefully follow these steps, but by the 4th or 5th tattoo people get really lazy to take care of it properly, and then they face consequences. No matter if you are a first-timer or someone with a lot of experience, we have something for everyone. Let’s first understand the importance of so much effort after being inked.

Tatto’s Aftercare’s Importance:

As stated above, a tattoo is a lot more than just a design on your body, it’s indeed a piece of art, it’s also something that describes you, and reflects your personality. But along with all of that, it is the medical process as well, as the tattoo artist will be using a needle to let the ink be in your skin. 

Both the artist you will choose for your tattoo and you yourself are equally responsible for making the process easy as well as for making the after-process seamless. You must only go to a certified licensed tattoo artist because they know their art, and they’ve been doing it for years. The reason we are emphasizing taking care of your tattoo is that if you won’t, you would be inviting infections for yourself, for your precious skin. 

You have to give some time to heal your tattoo and follow steps to ensure that you won’t get any skin infection whatsoever. If your tattoo artist has given you any tips or any cream to apply to your tattoo, you can definitely follow it, but to be extra cautious, just follow up with this article, and you will be good to go!

Steps to take care of your tattoo:

Cover it up:

The steps mentioned are meant to be followed sequentially. So immediately after having a tattoo, you don’t want to expose it to UV rays, you have to cover it up to prevent it from all the types of possible bacteria. For that, you can go for a thin layer of antibiotic ointment, and then simply cover the antibiotic with a bandage or plastic wrap, it’s just so that your tattoo won’t be attacked by bacteria, also it acts as a barrier between your tattoo and the clothes you will be putting on because the clothes might irritate the tattoo as well as the skin. 

This should ideally be done after you get the tattoo, and till whatever time your artist would say. Usually, it’s just for a few hours, and by this, all the excess ink will also automatically be absorbed. 

Wash the tattoo, gently:

So, after a few hours or a day, when you remove the covering from your tattoo, it’s time to wash it off. For that, you need to wash your hands first, after that wash the tattoo with warm water and a chemical and fragrance-free soap. Then dry it up with a soft cloth that won’t irritate your tattoo. 

You don’t need to cover it up, after washing it thoroughly and gently.

Moisturize your skin, and keep it moisturized throughout:

After washing it off, you have to moisturize your tattoo with a non-fragrance, non-chemical moisturizer. But the moisturizing process doesn’t end here, you have to do it continuously two to three times every day for three weeks or a month or so. 

The reason is, it will fasten the process of healing the wounds by not letting them scab. You can definitely go for any gel-based formula for the moisturizer, and you will have soothing aftereffects for sure. Well, if you are not a fan of moisturizers, coconut oil-based lotion is one of the best alternatives you can ever have. It is usually advised to use them on any type of wound, because it helps the skin to heal faster than usual, because of their anti-inflammatory effect through fatty acids. Whatever you choose, you just have to moisturize it regularly for three weeks at least. 

Give it some time to heal:

Last but not the least, wait for the tattoo to be healed properly and completely. During and even after three-four weeks. You should wear clothes that would protect your body from the sun and its harmful rays. 

And if you face any consequences or itchiness, just consult with your tattoo artist, cause you might need some medical help

Well, there are a few things which you must avoid:

  • Going swimming or letting too much water flow over your tattoo, except showers. Itch, or scratch your tattoo.
  • Wear any tight or polyester cloth that would ultimately irritate your tattoo and your skin.

These are some essential dos and don’ts after having a tattoo. Do take care of it, as you have finally done it, and don’t forget to flaunt it with as much love as well. 

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