Dark circles are something that has been usually associated with old age people, and it is in fact an ageing consequence. Generally, dark circles are caused by the thinning of the skin under your eyes and also the loss of collagen. But isn’t it very common to see everyone with dark circles, no matter what age group they belong to? One of the main reasons could be the new lifestyle of people, which usually includes a lack of sleep and being in contact with deadly pollution. It does make your face and your overall persona dull. Though they are not permanent if you don’t treat them right and as soon as possible, they will be tough to get rid of. 

Dark Circles under the eyes

Increasing stress and the sudden elevation of the lifestyle have surely degraded the health conditions of many people. In the past few years, we can see almost everybody with dark circles and other skin problems. People do notice if their skin is behaving in a certain way, but dark circles are so normalised, that even a kid having them, is alright. 

If you are a student, you are almost every time tense about your career, how the future will unfold and what it has for you. In the case of being an adult, the list of responsibilities to look for is endless. But lets us be honest with ourselves- it is absolutely not normal for any young kid, teenager, or even an adult to have excessive dark circles. And there are many ways through which you can get back your normal under-eye colour. But if you are minded enough and have learnt from people’s mistakes, you know that prevention is better than cure.

If you can feel and see that the skin under your eye is darkening each day then you must start taking care of it. 

Follow these few steps to prevent dark circles naturally:

1. Enough sleep:

The modern lifestyle is indeed very demanding and can take a toll on your health if you don’t balance everything in moderation. A person ideally must take 7-8 hours of sleep. Stress and lack of sleep are majorly the reason for early-age dark circles other than genetics. You don’t have to binge-watch that series, you need 8 hours of sleep and a healthy lifestyle.

  • Protection from Pollution:

With increasing industrialization, pollution is peaking every day. every human being is badly exposed to harmful UV rays, which can affect your sensitive skin so much, the dirt of pollution can stick in your pores and will ultimately cause dark circles and acne. To protect and prevent yourself from dark circles, you can just wear UV-proof sunglasses, and always wear sunscreen with an Spf. 

  • Clean lifestyle:

What you consume and put in your body is the ultimate thing which contributes to how you look. You shine brighter and better if you put good quality food and essential nutrients within. The results will be  opposite when you put unhealthy and injurious stuff inside your body. For example, If you are habitual in taking alcohol or cigarettes, then the chances of having premature wrinkles, and dark circles are quite prominent. You must cut down on alcohol and cigarettes, which will remove all the puffiness across your face to have a better lifestyle overall and enhance your looks ultimately. 

These were some preventions which one can take if they can see any early signs of dark circles, but if now they are exhausted and overwhelmed with already darker circles, we do have some;

easy-to-follow home remedies to cure them:

If your dark circles are in the middle stage, these few home remedies can help you lighten them. The tips and methods mentioned below are really effective and affordable at the same time. Often, many of the medicines prescribed do come with some or the other consequences or side effects, but these steps are easy to follow and hardly include anything unnatural that will have any negative side effects. So let’s get into them:

  1. Cucumber slides:

Cucumber has tons of benefits, either when you eat them or directly apply them on your skin, your body, and over your eyes. Cucumber is full of Silica, and vitamin C. It rejuvenates you, it makes you feel fresh and your skin youthful. You can simply cut a few pieces of cucumber roundly, and directly apply it over your eyes, keep it for 10-15 minutes and change it. 

2. Teabags:

Teabags are a great way to reduce dark circles under your eyes. Though, there is a proper procedure on how to use and apply them. But once you get hold of it, the whole process becomes so much simpler to follow. Now, there are many options available, even when it comes to tea bags, green tea, black tea, herbal tea you name it. Tea already has so much of antioxidant properties, you can either soak these tea bags and apply to your eyes directly or first boil them, in the refrigerator and then apply them to your eyes. Either way is possible, and you can follow whatever suits you in the best possible way. 

3. Facials:

Dark circles often tend to occur due to a lack of proper blood circulation around your eyes. Massaging and even getting yourself a proper facial, can help in increasing that. You can have soothing refreshing facials, or the premium, depending upon the coverage and the condition of your dark circles. Just know the brief regarding your skin type and what suits you, and what does not, and choose the package accordingly. You also need to know the brief regarding the massage technique, they follow.  

4. Almond oil, vitamin E:

Vitamin E has overall great benefits for our body. Be it for your hair growth or nail growth. What people don’t know is that if vitamin E is mixed in a proper amount with almond oil, it can also help in reducing dark circles effectively. You can mix them together and can directly apply them under your eyes, or the problematic areas, leave them overnight or wash them off with cold water and you will definitely see the disappearance of dark circles with regular use. 


You can follow the above-mentioned tips to reduce those dull-looking dark circles. The methods include definitely need to be followed for at least 8-12 weeks for some excellent results. for better and faster results, just reduce your screen time, and eat nutritious food and you will be good to go. 

For more amazing healthcare tips, keep an eye on our blogs.

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