Skincare has been the topic of discussion for most of us. Be it adoring someone who practices skin care daily or accepting the fact that your go-to skincare guide routine is basically applying soap and later washing it off with water. Though after the pandemic, people have definitely become more observant(including you), and careful about how their body and skin feel from the inside and not solely on how it looks from the outside, with that many of the working population did get a lot of time spared from the regular office chores, which increased the total revenue of sin care companies by 20%-30%.

We definitely hope you’ve got enough reasons to start your skincare as a beginner. You might have stumbled across this blog after a lot of procrastinating. Anything can intrigue you to take charge of your skincare. Be it the random reel that you came across while scrolling mindlessly or your friend telling you about skin breakouts because of not paying attention to how your skin changes with age. This article will include everything that you’re looking for to start doing skincare, basically a guide to skincare with the most beginner-friendly steps. 

There are a few things like what, why, and how that should be clear right before you jump into your typical skincare guide routine

Be with us till the very end, to have your guide ready with you. 

What is skincare, and why is it important?

Skincare, as the term suggests is simply taking care of your skin, by first understanding the needs of the skin. No, the products suggested by a random Instagram influencer are not something you should spend your hard-earned money on. You’ve to understand that each of us is different, and so is our skin. Some could have oily, some dry and some can have acne-prone, sensitive skin. The products used in, the typical skincare routine will be different for each of these types of skin. 

With a proper skincare routine, you cannot change your skin type totally, you can somehow prevent the level of dryness or oiliness in your skin. Most researchers have also claimed that a skincare routine can improve your mental health tremendously. It’s basically because you enjoy following a basic routine with results that always amaze you. 

Now that you know most of the basics about skin care. We have curated the simple yet effective steps for the ultimate skincare routine, you can customize the steps and products accordingly. Know your own skin type and include or exclude the steps below.

Step 1: Cleanse–

Clean skin is healthy skin. Cleansing your pores gently and thoroughly is one of the main and foremost steps of any skincare routine. Ideally, one should cleanse their skin two times a day. One before starting out your day. You should always go for a hydrating cleanser as it will deeply clean all the oil, and dirt from the night. The second time you must cleanse your skin, and face is after you are done with the day, before sleeping. Remove all your makeup, and gently clean your face with a hydrating cleanser. 

Research has shown that a hydrating cleanser usually goes with each skin type, and therefore you can go for it.

Step 2: Moisturize –

There are two kinds of people. Most of them who don’t even have any skincare routine will always religiously put in gallons of moisturiser before stepping out of their home. And the other one, is pretty scared of it, cause usually, they have oily, sensitive, acne-prone skin. 

But skipping this step will only worsen things. If you are scared about how your sensitive skin would react to moisturiser, just go for oil-free, fragrance-free moisturizer and it will do the work smoothly. You have to be really concerned about each ingredient that is included in your moistures, skim out if those ingredients suit you or not.

Never overwash your skin, without including the basic step of moisturizing your skin

Step 3: Protect (sunscreen)-

Sunscreen is one of the most important layers of protecting your skin, from all the pollution and deadly UV rays. Vitamin C is necessary, indeed it is but not when it can tan your skin and cause various skin diseases. You should always go for an SPF 30 sunscreen. Sunscreen is something that you must apply daily, be it on a cloudy, gloomy day or a bright sunny day. 

There are mostly two types of sunscreen. Mineral and chemical based, and then there is a third type which is a mixture of both chemical and mineral. Chemical-based sunscreen includes avobenzone, and octocrylene and is mainly responsible to absorb UV rays. On the other hand, mineral-based sunscreen is made up of zinc oxide, and titanium oxide and doesn’t absorb UV rays instead this blocks the harmful UV rays.

Additional steps:

The steps mentioned above were the very basic steps to start your skincare guide routine, but there are many other important steps that you add later on, if you want, you can start with all the steps from the very first day. But instead, we recommend you start slow, not get overwhelmed, and learn with time. 

  • Exfoliation: Exfoliation means scrubbing your face either physically or with the use of chemicals. You can use either way to remove all the dead skin cells, dirt from your pores, and excess oil. You have to see which way works better for you, because physical exfoliation is harsh, includes a lot of tension on the skin, and it can have a negative effect if you have sensitive skin. 

You can do it once or twice a week, for better results.

  • Face serums, mask: Well, face serums and masks are literally the most soothing. They rejuvenate your skin and make it feel more hydrating than ever. You can apply face serums before moistures, as they consist of Vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid.

Final takeaway:

Skin is an essential part of your body, and as your body requires time to adapt and change through different workouts, so does your skin. You need to try to understand your skin first and then shortlist what you really want to go ahead with. That doesn’t mean you should experiment with 100s of products, just give some time to your skin and react to a particular product. 

Along with that, you have to know that less is more, and stick to the routine, remember consistency is the key to anything.

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