You feel shattered when you see your face in the mirror and spot a few minor bumps! Thankfully, there is no need to worry because most face bumps, whether small or large, in different colours or shapes, are harmless. Some are identifiable acne, and others need some minute investigation by skin specialists. Still, most of them erase from your face in a few days. Only a tiny percentage of bumps show signs that may be a case of worry. 

Many dermatologists revealed that treatment is logical if the face bumps show the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding
  • Tuning Darker
  • Changing shape irregularly 

In such cases, a prescription from a doctor will be a wise decision. Otherwise, bumps like acne are treatable at home and even taken care well with the usage of skin-care ointment. But again, several face bumps are generally harmless, and it is only the lack of basic information that creates uneasiness among people. 

Therefore, in the given article, we will provide some valuable information about the types of common face bumps that will aid you in identifying whether they can be managed at home or need the assistance of a physician. 
  1. Acne

What it looks like: 

Its visibility ranges from small red bumps, non-inflammatory in nature, to inflammatory and painful large cysts.

Types of Acne:

  • Comedones: Whiteheads (closed one) and blackheads (open one)
  • Papules: Inflamed and irritated pores cause large bumps or papules
  • Pustules: Red papules with pus

Causes of Acne: 

Three causes lead to the occurrence of acne on the face:

  • Hormonal factors
  • Increase in sebum production
  • Unhygienic factors leading to inflammation and bacteria in the skin

Treatment for Acne: 

It all depends on severity; however, a multi-pronged approach is the best. In mild conditions, topical lotions and creams and, if rampant, the use of injections and lasers can create wonders (only under a doctor’s supervision) and help your skin improve at a faster pace. Some of the medications are:

  • Retinoids for moderate acne that comes as gels, creams and lotions
  • Antibiotics that combines with benzoyl peroxide to reduce redness
  • Azelaic and Salicylic acid to treat discolouration occurring during some types of acne 
  1. Allergic Reactions (Sensitivity)

What it looks like: 

When it is a bad allergic reaction, there is a development of red and itchy blisters. They cause itches but are generally without any pain. 

Types of Allergic Reactions:

  • Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema: Inflamed, itchy or rough skin
  • Contact Dermatitis: Rashes where allergen affects the skin
  • Angioedema: Swelling in the face

Why it happens: 

It occurs due to two crucial factors:

  • Physical Agents such as allergic reactions to certain ingredients such as preservatives
  • Chemical Agents such as soaps damage the skin barrier

Treatment for Allergic Reactions: 

The immediate step is to stop using products that cause instant reactions. The use of lukewarm water with gentle soaps is another solution. Besides, dermatologists suggest using antihistamines and steroid creams in case the situation worsens.  

  1. Milia 

What it looks like: 

Tiny small white bumps develop when there is dead skin trapping in the pockets present under the skin’s surface. 

Types of Milia:

  • Primary Milia: It appears on eyelids, forehead, cheeks and even genitals. Within several months, they clear off without any traces. 
  • Secondary Milia: It develops on damaged skin and happens after blisters, burns and high exposure to the sun. 

Causes of Acne: 

Milia happen when the dead skin cells remain under the new skin and pave the way for hardened skin called milium. Some other causes that lead to rising of milia:

  • Skin damage due to rash or injury
  • Prolong usage of the steroid
  • Genes
  • Development of an autoimmune condition 

Treatment of Milia:

The best way to treat the given face bump is to remain untreatable. Yes, as it goes away within a few weeks. It is advisable not to tempt to prick the milia as it will worsen the condition. For further treatment, exfoliating cosmetics with alpha hydroxyl acid and salicylic acid is the best way to remove dead cells. 

  1. Keratosis Pilaris

What it looks like: 

These tiny markings (resembling Goosebumps) generally occur in the upper arms and thighs but can also show on your face. They are more prevalent in children.

Types of Keratosis: 

The diagnosis done by doctors confirms the presence of several types of Keratosis: 

  • KP Rubra: Red and inflamed bumps
  • KP Alba: Rough and bumpy skin 
  • KP Rubra Faceii: Reddish rash appearing on the cheeks

Causes of Keratosis: 

Commonly known as “chicken skin”, it is a naturally-occurring bump resulting from the buildup of keratin-a protein responsible for protecting skin, nails and hairs from infection; it forms a plug and acts as a blockage for the hair follicle. 

Treatment for Keratosis:

As it causes inflammation, chemical exfoliant such as glycolic and salicylic acid that smoothen the bump with time. If it does not work out, it’s time to seek a dermatologist who will offer treatment in the form of:

  • Creams eradicate dead skin cells as they moisturize and soften dry skin by combining lactic, salicylic and hydroxyl acid. 
  • Creams to prevent plugged follicles  by using topical Retinoids (Vitamin A solution) that promote cell turnover
  1. Sebaceous Hyperplasia

What it looks like: 

These are small yellowish bumps occurring either at the forehead or the center of the face. With ageing, they become more common and are mistaken by people with pimples. 

Causes of Sebaceous:

Sebaceous occurs due to the overgrowth of oil glands on the face. In rare cases, it also occurs due to Muir-Torre syndrome. Awkwardly, they do not come with any symptoms and are harmless in nature. 

Treatment for Sebaceous:

Though they do not cause any itching or inflammation, they still make a face look more horrid. If you have such a feeling, don’t hesitate to get an appointment with a dermatologist. They will offer:

  • Retinol Treatment which is a form of Vitamin A and effective treatment for Sebaceous 
  • CO2 laser therapy reduces the thickness of lesions and softens the skin without causing scarring
  • Cryotherapy freezes the bump, paving the way for drying them up and eventually dropping away


Generally, some of these bumps have home remedy solutions and pass off within a few weeks without causing any severe conditions. Nevertheless, if the bump is causing you anxiety or hurting you the most, the best way is to consult a dermatologist. They will determine the root cause of these face bumps and provide medications to treat them precisely. 

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