There are many things in life, which when we think about feels quite easy to tackle unless it really happens to us. There are many minor yet weird things that happen to us almost every day. One of them is not being able to remove water from your ear. And it can get really irritating after a point of time. Especially, after tons of tries and frustration. 

Well, one of the main reasons for getting excessive water inside your ear is considered to be swimming, even after being one of the major cases, it is not the only case. It can happen during a strong stream of water during a shower, or with any other water activity. What’s hard and intolerable is to get it out of your ear. Most of the time it happens naturally but if it doesn’t, then the stagnant water can cause some really harmful bacteria inside your ear, leading to other major diseases eventually.

The human body has majorly five senses, all of which are quite fragile and thus need attention and care to maintain and keep strong. The ear is one of the major five senses and is related, and connected to the brain directly. If you won’t care much about the aftereffects of that stagnant water, then it can damage your brain as well. Let’s see how can we get the water out of your ear:

  1. Tilt your head and let gravity do its work:

One of the very natural reflexes of anybody, if you don’t panic yourself is to just move your head, but most people do that wrong as well, just because of being tensed. Well, you have to be sensible and calm during times like this. You just have to try lying down on the side of that ear where the water is struck, and let the moisture dry off with a help of a towel. It will take some longer bits for sure, but it will be worth the wait because most of the time it always works. 

  1. Use your palm:

If gravity didn’t work fine for you, you can mix it up by using your hand while doing the exact same thing you did before, just with your palms this time, and not with a towel. You can try creating a cupped palm and shielding your ear with it, and with a few tilts of your head, you can surely see the water getting out of your ear. It might come bit by bit, but it surely will. You have to be gentle and patient while tilting your head because there is no hard and fast try rule on how many tilts after you can have your ear clean but it surely will require quite a few tries of this technique. 

  1. Get it out with a hairdryer:

If you have a hairdryer, you must use it to dry out the water from your ear. Pull your ear straight, which can directly straighten the ear canal, and use the hairdryer to dry out the hair while moving it. If you don’t have one, you can try standing under sunlight facing the exact side of your ear to the sun and it can work as well.

  1. Use the chew method:

One of the oldest unsaid tricks to get water out of your ear is to move your mouth, and jaw which can help you move your ear canal as your jaw point is directly connected to your ear canal. This will definitely create a sensation, and you can feel the droplets getting out, but you must straighten your ear canal as well, to let it happen. 

  1. Rub alcohol/ hydrogen peroxide: 

It may sound like quite a big step, while it’s just water in your ear, but you want to take action before things become worst-case scenarios. But you can use alcohol, just a bit of it, rub it gently and with caution, and it will help you evaporate all that extra moisture out of your ear. 

Things to avoid when water is struck in your ear:

Using a finger, cotton swabs: Anything that will allow any kind of force inside your hair, especially to the deeper ear canal, must be avoided while there is water stuck in your ear. Pushing your finger, or any solid material may damage and puncture your ear drum. While your ear is wet, it can somehow scratch and remove the protective layer from your ear as well, which then will be explored for bacteria to grow.

QUICK TIP for all the swimmers out there to wear swim pugs or swimming caps to protect your ear and precious ear canal, and after each session of your swimming, you must get thoroughly dry with a towel. 

While you are at finding how to get excess water out of your ear, you can always learn to avoid getting wet. Below are a few tips to do so:

How to avoid water getting stagnant inside your ear?

  • If you have oily skin overall, you must avoid wearing earbuds, especially if you’re sweaty. 
  • Always dry off your ear naturally after each shower. You can do it with a cotton ball sprayed with petroleum jelly.
  • You can visit your doctor, to remove excessive earwax from your ear, because as much as it is necessary to maintain your ear health it can also be hazardous because of its moisture-holding properties. If your ear usually has a lot of, you should definitely be considered giving it a clean every few weeks. 
  • If you use heat protection spray or any other kind of spray to your hair or face near your ear, cover your ear with cotton balls, to avoid any excessive contact of moisture near your ear. 


So far we have covered every bit of how you can easily remove water from your ear. We hope that the procedure is now not that hard for you to follow and that you can easily maintain your ear hygiene as well. Although, precaution has always been considered better than cure. and therefore we have listed out all the necessary points to avoid getting your ear highly moist.

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