If you’re here, you’ve probably already spent an hour panicking online while searching for ways to make your hair grow quicker and perusing comfortless medical websites. Maybe you recently gave yourself a regretful at-home haircut and are now seeking for techniques to grow your hair faster within a week, or maybe you’re convinced your hair is looking thinner after nervously inspecting your hairline in the mirror.

An average person loses 50–100 hairs per day. Because new hair is growing at the same time, this is typically not evident.

How Fast Does Your Hair Grow?

The exact rate of hair growth varies from person to person, therefore it’s difficult to say! According to a study, “human hair grows at a pace of 0.35 mm per day, and approximately 100 hairs are shed each day. It is common for hair to grow as little as a centimetre or as much as an inch in a month, despite this.”

Numerous factors, some of which you can manage and others which you can’t, can affect hair development. Genetics control how quickly hair grows, but other factors might also have an impact. Age, food, stress, hormonal changes, scalp health, hair care routines, and other medical issues may have an impact on hair growth.

Even though males typically grow their hair more quickly than women do, this can change during pregnancy. Hair growth rates can vary depending on the time of year.

Hair Growth Stage:

Anagen: The active phase of the hair cycle is anagen. The cells in the hair’s root are dividing quickly.

Catagen: Approximately 3% of all hairs are always in the catagen phase, which is a transitional stage.

Telogen: Telogen is the resting stage, which typically comprises 6% to 8% of all hairs.

How do you make your hair grow faster?

Your hormones, health, genetics, and age all have an impact on how quickly your hair grows. There is therefore no topical product that may make your hair grow longer and faster, despite what marketing and product labels may claim unless, of course, Your body has a disease or vitamin deficiency that, if treated, can cause hair to grow.

Having said that, for hair growth to function at its best, a healthy scalp, body, and hair habits are necessary. Continue reading to learn how to specifically create the best hair-growth condition and what simple steps you can apply in life for maintaining the best hair care.

1) Avoid shampooing every day:

Shampooing your hair every day might dry out and harm your hair unless it is oily. By only washing your hair every other day, the natural oils in your body can condition your hair. To assist in keeping your hair follicles clean, you might also think about utilising a scalp treatment. Your hair may remain healthy as a result of this.

2) Use Conditioner:

Make sure to condition your hair after shampooing. Your hair’s lost oils from shampooing can be replenished with the aid of a hair conditioner. Before conditioning your hair, make sure the shampoo is entirely removed.

3) Minimize the Use of Heat & Color:

Your hair will eventually become damaged if you use heat or hair colour on it. Try to let your hair air dry as frequently as you can to use less heat on it. Use velcro or sponge rollers as opposed to hot rollers. To lessen hair-dye damage, space out your colouring appointments and use a colour-safe shampoo.

4) Massage The Scalp:

The daily massage of your scalp may help to improve blood flow to your hair follicles and promote hair growth. As part of your everyday hair care routine, massage your scalp.

5) Use a silk pillowcase:

A cotton pillowcase’s threads can entangle your hair. This friction is decreased by a silk pillowcase, which also decreases breakage. You might use a silk scarf instead of a silk pillowcase to cover your head.

6) Avoid wrapping your hair in a towel:

After taking a shower, covering your head with a towel might also weaken your hair. Instead, carefully blot the excess water out of your hair or squeeze it out. Given that microfiber towels are softer than traditional cotton towels, you can also think about using one to wrap your hair.

7) Learn to Love Low Ponytails:

While you can still style your hair, stay away from tight styles. Instead, stick with a simple style like a low ponytail (here are some suggestions) or be sure to choose hair accessories like silk scrunchies that won’t harm your hair.

8) Include Minerals in Your Diet:

Keratin, a type of protein, makes up the majority of your hair, nails, and skin. Protein-deficient hair enters the resting state earlier than protein-rich hair. The creation of the proteins that make up your body’s hair depends on minerals like iron and zinc. Hair loss is a also known side effect of low iron.

9) Eat vitamin-rich foods:

It is believed that vitamin D is essential for hair development. For the body to absorb iron, vitamin C is also crucial. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and limes are rich in vitamin C. The sun and food sources like fortified milk and orange juice are two good sources of vitamin D.

Hair Growth Change After Pregnancy

Pregnant women could notice that their hair is growing more quickly. New mothers may feel as though they are losing their hair more quickly than usual. The hormone oestrogen makes you have more hair follicles in the growth phase of pregnancy. Hair follicles return to the dormant telogen phase after delivery, giving the impression that you are losing hair.


An average person loses 50–100 hairs per day. Human hair grows at a pace of 0.35 mm per day, and approximately 100 hairs are shed each day. Your hormones, health, genetics, and age all have an impact on how quickly your hair grows. For hair growth to function at its best, a healthy scalp, body, and hair habits are necessary. Avoid shampooing every day and air dry your hair as often as possible.

Minimize the use of heat and colour on your hair by using velcro or sponge rollers. Pregnant women could notice that their hair is growing more quickly after giving birth. The hormone oestrogen makes you have more hair follicles in the growth phase of pregnancy. Vitamin D is essential for hair development and eating vitamin-rich foods is a good source of iron.

A freelance content writer, Ranu Agrawal, hails from Surat, Gujarat, India. Her passion has always revolved around books which she brings onto the plate as she realised writing is as much fun as reading books. She is a writer by day & reader by night and oh, she feeds her addiction by watching FRIENDS & latest series on weekends.