A widely known fruit with many health benefits of cherries. Cherries have been an underrated fruit for some reason of always being a flavored fruit. Hence, for a longer time, their nutritional value had been undiscovered. But the recent decade has recognized the nutrition facts about cherries. Cherries contain a rich amount of Vitamin-C, anti-oxidants, melatonin, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium.  

Cherries have been glamorous fruits for a very long time. They have been a popular fruit when it comes to flavors. Cherries are everywhere, like bubblegums, cakes, cakes, drinks, and bakeries. And why shouldn’t they be? They are the perfect Cherry on top. But are they looked beyond?

Now, here’s the answer to the most subtle question cherries are actually really healthy fruits. They are enriched with a number of beneficial nutrients that includes Vitamin C and Anti-oxidants. Researchers say that cherries have shown positive results 

Health Benefits of Cherries - Fittobeat

Cherry is a widely known fruit with many health benefits with a common household name. Cherries is a name we have all heard of once or more in our lives. It belongs to the family “Prunus”. There are more than 100 types of cherries but they are majorly classified into two groups: sweet and sour, though most of the health benefits remain the same, there are some key factors that separate one from another.

The cultivated forms of cherries are sweet and sour, Generally, they are cross-pollinated to share the benefits, sweet cherries are eaten as fruits and sour ones are used mostly for cooking purposes. Cherries have been found rich in the following nutrients – Vitamin-C, anti-oxidants, melatonin, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium.  

Benefits of Cherry 

Full of your daily essentials

Apart from giving sweet and delicious cherry provides many benefits for us. They are low in calories and have large amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. You’ll get a sufficient amount of vitamins C, A, and K. Like other long-stemmed fruits, these also deliver potassium, magnesium, and calcium too. They are a good source of antioxidants, like beta-carotene, and the essential nutrient chlorine.

Your diet partner

Cherries are an amazing addition to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight, as they’re pretty low in calories and sugar, are a low-glycemic fruit to help with blood sugar regulation, and taste like a treat.

Take care of your heart and soul 

They boost our mood and brain power, The anthocyanins in cherries are known for boosting cognitive function, preventing memory loss, and protecting against Alzheimer’s Disease. Fresh cherries contain Polyphenols in great amounts, which in turn helps the body process information and makes the communication between the brain and the rest body very smooth and effective.

Keeps your lever happy 

Having a revitalizing effect on the liver; they prove to be an ultimate liver tonic, cleanser, and rejuvenating. Cherries are rich in hemoglobin and they are eaten to prevent cancer as well. Cherries sharpen the mind by purifying the bowels—they’re better at reducing constipation.

No risks included

Have next to zero effect on blood pressure and sugar levels in your body, and can be eaten freely without the risk of developing any disease.

Filled with nutrition

Raw sweet cherries are 82% water, 16% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and extremely low in fat. If we take a whooping quantity of 100 grams of raw and fresh cherries, there will be very less nutrients available containing healthy fibers and Vitamin C, while other vitamins and dietary minerals each supply less than 10% of the Daily Value (DV) per serving, respectively. 

Compared to sweet cherries, raw sour cherries contain 50% more vitamin C per 100 g (12% DV) and about 20 times more vitamin A (8% DV), beta-carotene in particular cherries.

Keeps your heart healthy and happy 

Cherry and its products also help keep cholesterol in check for some people.

According to a study, after consuming tart(sour) cherry juice for four weeks, adults who had excessive weight or had obesity and who had high levels of blood fats had a decrease in “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. While experiencing positive changes in the ratio of triglycerides and “good” HDL levels.

Have a good night’s sleep

It is shown that consuming both sweet and tart cherries shows improvement in sleep quality and quantity. The effects were seen within mere days of consuming a couple of sweet cherries per day. 

Say no to Diabetes

Research also shows that antioxidants named anthocyanins in cherries help in decrease blood sugar levels by slowing down how sugar is broken down from complex carbohydrates and affecting hormones that help regulate blood sugar and insulin.

Research also shows that Cherries rank lower than many fruits on the glycemic index. That means they don’t trigger spikes and crashes in your blood sugar and insulin levels.

How to consume cherries

It is really important to consume fresh cherries in order to enjoy their benefits instead of suffering from unwanted diseases. Consuming 20-30 Cherries a day helps in gaining essentials and keeping health hazards at bay. The cherry intake can be in the form of raw fruit, fruit juice, dries cherries, cherry compote, or powder. Although for the fiber intake, fresh cherries can be the best way. For a majority of people, dried cherries are the best option. 

Below are some ways to incorporate cherries into our balanced diet-

  • Cherries can be added to your daily fresh salads. 
  • Add them to your milk porridge. Prepare a delicious porridge either of oats or wheat, with skimmed milk and low sugar. 
  • Cherries can be savored with your daily evening or morning muesli. 
  • Cherry sauce is a wonderful option for your bakery seasoning. Add them to your fluffy pancakes, cakes, brownies, or pastries. 
  • Who doesn’t like milkshakes? And, a flush of sour cherry syrup on your milkshake will always be an addition. 
  • The cherry powder can be added to your favorite smoothies. 

There has been proper evidence that scientists have made with their in-depth studies that cherries can improve health and nutrition. People suffering from high blood pressure, lack of sleep, and weaker hearts, said they had an improved result because of cherries. Below is the nutrition chart of Cherries given by the United States Department of Agriculture, which clearly states the benefits of cherries. 

Energy97 calories
Carbohydrates24.7 g
Fiber3.23 g
Calcium20 mg
Phosphorus32.3 mg
Magnesium16.9 mg
Potassium342 mg
Vitamin C10.8 mg
Vitamin K3.23 micrograms
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