Love handles are the fat that gets retained or accumulated sideways of the waist. In some terms, they are also mentioned as muffin tops. This sometimes makes a person look very bulky in their lower portion and makes the body shape of a pot kind of appearance. As it is a retained fat, it can come back after losing too. So to minimize that and maintain a good posture, regular workouts and exercise with some lifestyle changes will help you in lessening that extra bulk.

Losing middle body fat, will it work?

Sometimes people get the misconception that if they work out to lose their belly fat then their love handles will also get reduced. But that is not the case here. Belly fat can be burnt out through core workouts or overall cardio exercises, but love handles are different and it needs some workout strategies to go through. As per some studies, High-Intensity interval training proves to be an effective way to get rid of these. Everybody works differently and for this one has to find the right interval and right exercises which can be helpful for them.

Daily Love Handle Workouts Just for 10 Min:

Yes, you read that right. If you work out 10 min daily then you can see a great difference in your love handles. Here are some of the exercises which only need 10 min to get rid of those stubborn love handles.

1. Triangle Pose:

This is a very common pose in yoga which is called trikonasana and it helps in maintaining body stability. This is beneficial for love handles because it helps in the great stretching of attached hamstring muscles. It activates the core muscles which improves metabolism. And a high metabolism is a great way to reduce accumulated fat.

Method to Perform: Split your legs wide while standing and keep your hand in the air in the horizontal position. Now bend toward one of the sides in such a way that your left-hand touches the left toe and the right arm is in a straight line position with the left arm; keep this pose for 5-6 sec and return to the starting form. Breathe out while you bend and breathe in for a while coming back to the original position. Repeat the same on the other side of the body too. Make sure to lean your neck in the same direction you are bending.

2. Mountain climber:

It is an exercise that benefits both your core and side fat. It is an easy cardio exercise that one can perform easily. and It is an exercise that targets the whole body, but all those side-to-side exercisings prove a good effect on the love handles. also, It is like running horizontally which provides strength and at the same time burns up calories.

Method to Perform: Firstly, get in a plant kind of position and put your body weight on your palms and toes. Your hands should be in line with your shoulders and straight back. Now start bringing your right knee up to the chest and then back to the normal position. Repeat this process with your left knee. Start slowly and after getting into a rhythm try to increase your speed. Keep your breath in rhythm with your movement. This exercise will give a side stretch to your belly where the muffin tops exist.

3. Side plank:

As the plank is better for the core, this side plant is better for the side accumulated fat. It is a bit of high-intensity exercise which can be taken in command by practice, but the effect is quite worth losing that surrounding fat. With a little bit of balancing, a person can do side planks in the proper ways to get those results.

Method to perform: Lie down on any one side of the body and probe your body up with the help of your elbow and hand. Now put your both legs above each other in a straight line. After this try to raise your hips above and hold for a few seconds. Bring them back to their original position. Repeat this on the other side of the body too. You will feel a stretch on the side closer to the ground and it will help in burning out the fat by equalizing it.

4. Kettlebell Swings:

If you have some basic types of equipment at your home then this is a very easy-going workout for you. It can be performed at home as well as at a gym, too.

Method to perform: Stand up while keeping the feet apart and keeping the spine straight. Now be in a half squat position and grab the kettlebell with any arm; now keeping the solder intact, swing the kettlebell to chest height and bring it back. Take a deep breath while swinging back and release the breath while coming back to the normal position. Repeat this process with both arms.

5. Jump Rope:

A simple yet powerful exercise that burns many of your calories. Everyone has jump ropes in their childhood, so this is a fun way to reduce that extra calorie. It makes the heart rate go up and induces fat-reducing hormones.

Method to perform: Take a rope with handles for easy grip, then hold on to these handles to the hip height. Make sure the handles remain up to your chin and do not go beyond that. Now swing the rope in a forward motion and jump forward towards it. If you have never done this exercise before then it may take some time to get that body frequency with the rope. This can be made a HIIT exercise by jumping for 30 sec and then taking a break for 30 sec if your workout intensity is high.


Whether it’s love handles or any other fat, to get rid of those one has to make a constant effort. Taking the right step towards your health needs a perfect balance of diet as well as workouts. It will be in vain if you burn 200 calories and then intake another 300. With some easy 10 min, love-handling exercises mentioned above, you can manage your time and still contribute towards your health. A simple routine where you take only 10 min to get the shape you desired is not much to ask for. Make these workouts your routine and see the confidence of losing those love handles.

Parul Agrawal is a creative freelance content writer. She has worked for many clients nationally and internationally. Being an agriculture graduate, the idea of being a writer was always in her mind. She evolves in her writing style as per the changing world and always keeps the essence of topics.