Turmeric has been proving its historical existence, with its medicinal and healing properties, creating an obvious bridge between medical importance and culinary requirements. Turmeric comes from the Ginger family and is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant. Known mostly as a spice, it does spice up Indian culture, and Medicine. Speaking of Indians, when do Indians use Turmeric? The answer is all the time. Its Vedic and medical references have made Indians use Turmeric in all its forms and textures, and the books also state the benefits of turmeric and curcumin. 

Turmeric- Fittobeat

But have you wondered, what made the scientific and medical world chase Turmeric? What exactly does Turmeric consist of? The popular spice and India’s favorite Turmeric is an enriching source of Polyphenol Curcumin. The medicinal properties of turmeric and the source of curcumin, have been known for thousands of years. However, it was in recent times, that the extraction mechanism was researched. It has been shown to be positive in helping oxidative and inflammatory conditions, hyperlipidemia, arthritis, metabolic syndrome, and anxiety. Moreover, it has also been helpful in muscle soreness, which in turn enhances recovery and performance in active people. Curcumin’s chemical composition is 1,7-bis (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) -1,6-heptadiene-3, 5-dione, and is called as diferuloylmethane. 

Curcumin in current times is identified and used across the world in various forms for assorted medical and health benefits. We definitely, can see the benefits of Turmeric and curcumin by realizing how different cultures have been utilizing them in abundant ways. In India, where turmeric is used gracefully in food-making and in almost every dish, Japan uses turmeric in their Tea. In China, turmeric is used as a colorant, whereas Korea marks the usage of Turmeric, served in drinks. In some other countries like Malaysia, Pakistan, United States, it is utilized as an anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic, and is required to add flavors to the Mustard sauce, cheese, butter, and chips (preservative and coloring agent). 

  • Anti-inflammatory nature

One of the most popular benefits of Turmeric is its fighting nature towards Inflammation. We must give credit for anti-inflammation powers to the pigment curcumin, present in Turmeric. Curcumin is such a healing and important pigment, that if given the right dose, it may prove better than medications such as Aspirin and Advil. 

Chronic inflammation may lead to other chronic diseases such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, etc. Curcumin has proved to be beneficial in these medical situations as well. 

  • Protection Against Heart Diseases

Research and studies say that curcumin keeps the heart healthy and increases its age. It has been found that curcumin improves Endothelial Function, which means it takes care of the membrane that covers the inside of blood vessels and the heart. The membrane plays a vital role in keeping the heart in good health and regulating blood pressure. One study claimed the impact of an 8-week exercise program along with a curcumin dose, improved endothelial function in post-menopausal women. 

  • Turmeric has medicinal Properties

Turmeric gained importance because of the fact that a basic spice and a coloring agent had so many medicinal strengths beyond the way it looked. Turmeric consisted of bio-active compounds, with medicinal properties. One such pigment is curcumin. 

Well consuming turmeric just as a spice, isn’t enough for the body. The curcumin content is only 3% by weight of the turmeric. That is why supplements are necessary if curcumin is a necessity for your health. 

  • Curcumin may prevent cancer, or help treat cancer. 

When we talk about cancer, we will know cancer is basically an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is a type of inflammation, which is connected to tumour growth. Hence, curcumin might prove beneficial in the treatment and prevention of a variety of cancer types, including pancreatic, colorectal, breast, gastric and prostate cancers. Research says, that curcumin can help control the spread of tumour cells, and slow the spread across the body. 

  • Turmeric benefits in building the antioxidant capacity of your body. 

Did you know that oxidative damage is a mechanism that triggers major diseases and aging? Our body has free radicals, which are basically highly reactive molecules with free and unpaired electrons. These radicals tend to react with important substances, such as fats, DNA, proteins etc. 

This is where anti-oxidants in our bodies prove to be fruitful. Curcumin is an anti-oxidant that neutralizes free radicals with the help of its chemical structure. 

This is why Turmeric must be an essential spice in your food. 

  • Curcumin helps in Osteoarthritis.

People suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) might be able to find long-term treatment with the help of curcumin. A recent study stated that a set of people with OA who were given 1000mg per day of Minerva (75 percent curcumin; 15 percent demethoxycurcumin; and 10 percent bisdemethoxycurcumin) experienced an improvement in stiffness and movement. Whereas the other group had no growth. 

  • Curcumin might boost the Neurotrophic Factor.

When scientists were studying the brain, they believed that neurons were incapable of multiplying after a certain age of childhood. Now, that they have a better understanding of the brain and neurons, it is said that neurons are completely capable of forming new connections, and they can multiply in certain parts of the brain. 

One of the important factors that drive this process is the Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor(BDNF). It is basically a gene, that increases the life of neurons. Studies have found that curcumin may increase the levels of BDNF. 

  • Curcumin might get your diabetes cured. 

July 2019 issue of “Nutrition and Metabolism” revealed the fact that curcumin supplements can help lower blood insulin levels after 16 weeks. Another study stated that when rats were given a  dose of 80mg of Tetrahydrocurcumin (one of the essential main substances in curcumin) per kg of weight, a vital decrease in blood sugars and an increase in plasma insulin were observed. 

Many doctors believe that curcumin might be the key to the cure of Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes. Hence, curcumin might prove successful in curing diabetes, as well as other factors that contribute to diabetes such as hyperlipidemia, high blood sugars, insulin resistance, etc. 

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