What are dark spots and what creates them?

Many of us came across dark spots on our faces or other parts of the body. These spots are generally overactive pigmented cells that accumulate melanin in a particular skin area. The effect of ultraviolet rays increases its impact. There are many areas where getting dark spots is common either by age or by sun exposure. Some of these areas are:

  • On the back side of the hands
  • Curved parts of the face like the nose and cheeks
  • On the back of the body
  • Shoulders due to less coverage
Dark Spot Treatment

The causes of dark spots are sometimes internal or external. Talking about internal it can be:

  • Hormonal changes
  • The side effect of any medication
  • Increased level of sugar/Diabetes

External factors are more prominent and avoidable too. They are:

  • Skin cell damage due to sun
  • Injury in the skin inflammation. Eg: popping pimples or acne
  • Insect bite or a body cut
  • Irritation or sensitivity toward the cosmetics

Dark Spot Treatment:

“Every problem has its solution”. This quote we all heard in our lives. Similarly treating the dark spots is possible too.

Various ways can be adopted for dark spot treatment. Some of these methods are effective based on the severity of the spots.

  1. Exfoliation

Dull and dead skin creates a major outbreak of dark spots. Exfoliating the skin removes the dead skin and provides overall toning to the body part. Using natural exfoliation is much better because its negative effect on the body is very less or negligible.

Some of the natural exfoliators are Coffee grounds, oatmeal, fine sugar or sea salt, Cinnamon, and baking soda.

     2. Using hydrating mask

Dehydrated skin is more prone to dark spots and for its treatment hydrating is the best option. There are multiple fruit-based masks available in the market for which one can go for. Oiling regularly can be considered an option too.

     3. Use Vitamin C

As per many dermatologists, vitamin C is a great source of lightening the skin. It enriches the skin pores and can be considered a great method of treating dark spots naturally. For this serums can be used or food that has good vitamin c content can be consumed.

     4. Start Using formulating products

Nowadays getting a product that suits your skin and skin type is not that difficult. Many brands customise the products as per the customer’s needs and demands. If you are aware of your skin requirement then it is easy to find out products that are best suited for your dark spot treatment.

     5. Selective Cosmetics

Choose wisely to stay young. Many creams contain hydroquinone which is one of the most used treatments of all time. It helps in reducing hyperpigmentation. But it can only be used for the doctor’s advice.

     6. Chemical Treatment

In the current beauty standards, many methodologies got evolved through which one can get easy and fast results. Chemical peeling or laser treatment can be considered for this. The results are visible after 1st sitting but the service is a little bit on the costly side and many sittings are required to get that fully done. These services are very effective if one is willing to spend time and money.

Skin Care and Its Options:

As we have all heard precautions are better than cures. By taking proper skin care the risk of getting dark spots can be avoided. There are multiple skincare options available in the market for getting toned skin and eliminating the damage of dark spots.

  • Use sunscreen:

Sun rays, especially UV rays trigger melanin formation and accumulation. Using sunscreen as your skin care option is a smart choice. Sunscreen with more than 50 SPF is more than enough to reflect the harmful UV rays and keep your skin protected day long.

  • Regular treatment and care:

Cleansing and toning your skin on a regular basis helps a lot in case of dark spots. Sometimes impurities cause a lot of skin-related issues and that can be prevented through some regular treatments.

  • Takes doctor’s advice:

If your skin is sensitive to different products then it is better to go to a dermatologist and take their pieces of advice before using any sort of product on you. Get a skincare regime fixed for you and try it. If you see some noticeable results then better go with the same.

Skin Care Products:

Various products can help boost your confidence in your skincare journey.

There are some very basic but much-utilised products that help in taking proper care of your everyday skincare needs:

Glow Tonic:

These are good exfoliators and toners. A glow tonic with a good percentage of glycolic acid is very good to go for skin rejuvenation and healing the open pores.

Hyaluronic Acid:

A very easy-to-go moisturiser that hydrates the skin. Our body naturally generates it for the skin but it can be externally applied to get that extra glow.

Polypeptide Cream:

It makes the skin most elastic which prevents the cells from getting too compacted. It helps prevent sun damage, wrinkles, and age lines.

Cream-based mask:

Masks help lock the moisture to the skin. Cream-based masks are easy to apply and they contain more minerals than other sheet masks. It will be a good choice to go for masking your skin once in 2 weeks.

Night oils/ creams:

Our body recharges the cells in its resting phase. What is better than getting your products to do their work while you rest? Some products like night cream give extra moisture and heal the disturbed cells too.

Dark spots are something that may make us feel insecure about ourselves but a better dark spot treatment and opting for skin care with the right products can make it easy to prevent and heal.

Before taking any treatment for dark spots one must refer to a dermatologist. Without any prior prescription, any allergies can happen to a person. It is safe to check out the chemical composition of products before using them.

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Parul Agrawal is a creative freelance content writer. She has worked for many clients nationally and internationally. Being an agriculture graduate, the idea of being a writer was always in her mind. She evolves in her writing style as per the changing world and always keeps the essence of topics.

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